
We are driving home from vacation right now.  I have had the most relaxing time.  We stayed with Woodman's Nana and Papa J.  They live just west of Washington DC in a little piece of heaven.  Their farm is very off the beaten path and they are the most wonderful host and hostess ever.  I feel as if I have just been to a bed and breakfast where my every need was attended to.  It isn't that they necessarily wait on you, they just make you feel so welcome and relaxed.  We did make a trip into our nation's capitol for a peek at the cherry blossoms (beautiful) and a couple museums.  We really had a great time and I am coming back refreshed. 

Of course spring is in full bloom there so I played outside quite a bit and brought home some wild onions and a few starts of a willow tree.  I am so excited to get started on my garden. 

Woodman and I had some discussion about why we (or more specifically I) are drawn to the locavore movement.  After discussion with Nana about the savings to the environment due to reduced transportation, helping the local farmers and the whole "trendy" thing to do I find it is none of those for me.  I LOVE fresh produce whether it is a roadside stand, a local farmers market on Saturday or going in my or my dad's back yard I just can't stay away from produce or this time of year seeds or plants that produce produce.  Give me a grocery store with a good produce section or a store with a seed section and you've got me. 

My husband thinks it is a sickness.  I don't really care what it is and have no intention of changing it.  Oops gotta go, I see a farm stand coming up, maybe I can get Woodman to stop!


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